
  |  Thor Galle

This website has one full-text RSS feed (/feed.xml), which is announced on every page.

You should be able to copy-paste any URL, including this one, into your feed reader to subscribe to my posts.

The feed contains my /posts and /now entries. Most posts from 2020 - 2022 are excluded at the moment, since I published them on external platforms (Medium, Dev.to, other blogs), and I can not offer the full text directly from there.


An RSS feed provides a structured list of posts on a website that can be downloaded periodically by feed reader apps. It's a handy way for readers to follow updates and blog posts from all kinds of websites, without opening those websites all the time. Check this post by Juha-Matti Santala to learn more about why I added one to my site.

In 2024, I (re)discovered RSS as a reader, and I now follow hundreds of blogs, wesites, and people. I personally self-host the feed aggregator FreshRSS, and use various clients for reading, including NetNewsWire, and my own web client for my old Kindle, Kindle RSS.


At the moment, I don't have an Atom feed available, because the main plugin provided by my web framework to generate my RSS feeds didn't support that. I hope to add support later though.

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