Work & Projects

  |  Thor Galle
Time we spend on computers today is often spent in a browser. I wanted to analyze how I spent my time on several projects a month after working on them; and I found that my browser history was a reasonably good proxy to understand what I did, when.

Unfortunately, the history view of my main browser at that moment (Chrome) did not provide a convenient UI to explore browsing history on a specific date in the past. This is why I built this app, with a calendar as the primary means of navigation.

The app is built with Tauri, SvelteKit and TypeScript. At the moment, it supports Firefox, Safari and Chrome on macOS. You can download Apple Silicon binaries from the Codeberg repository's [releases page]( If you're interested in extending operating system or browser support, check out the [notes for contribution](

Browser History Explorer

Time we spend on computers today is often spent in a browser. I wanted to analyze how I spent my time on several projects a month after working on them; and I found that my browser history was a reasonably good proxy to understand what I did, when.

Unfortunately, the history view of my main browser at that moment (Chrome) did not provide a convenient UI to explore browsing history on a specific date in the past. This is why I built this app, with a calendar as the primary means of navigation.

The app is built with Tauri, SvelteKit and TypeScript. At the moment, it supports Firefox, Safari and Chrome on macOS. You can download Apple Silicon binaries from the Codeberg repository’s releases page. If you’re interested in extending operating system or browser support, check out the notes for contribution.


CreatedSince June 2024
RepositoryBrowser History Explorer on Codeberg
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