Work & Projects

  |  Thor Galle
This project is an interactive and chronological visualization of the movies I've watched between ~2015 and 2020.

Tracking movies I watched is something I started doing in 2015, as part of a general move to track many things I do. In early 2018, a idea germinated to also do something with that data. 

I made a small proof-of-concept visualization to prove a theory to myself: I thought I watched movies in intermittent sprees, and then didn't watch any for a long time in between. The visualization answered my question positively. In 2019, I believed more could be done with this data: a full-fledged visualization with movie posters, together with a recommendation form.

You can read the full story of the creation of this visualization in [the article from 2019](/articles/movieviz/).

Movie Visualization


This project is an interactive and chronological visualization of the movies I’ve watched between ~2015 and 2020.

Tracking movies I watched is something I started doing in 2015, as part of a general move to track many things I do. In early 2018, a idea germinated to also do something with that data.

I made a small proof-of-concept visualization to prove a theory to myself: I thought I watched movies in intermittent sprees, and then didn’t watch any for a long time in between. The visualization answered my question positively. In 2019, I believed more could be done with this data: a full-fledged visualization with movie posters, together with a recommendation form.

You can read the full story of the creation of this visualization in the article from 2019.


StatusPublic Archive
Created February 2018 → June 2019 — 16 months
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