Work & Projects

  |  Thor Galle
Slow Travel Pass is a collection of complete trip plans for 25+ slow travel trips in Belgium. These trips were hand-crafted by my colleagues Dries and Manon, building on the experience of having planned 600+ custom trips for slow travellers in Belgium (with great reviews!).

Slow Travel Pass takes travellers across Belgium's varied natural, cultural and architectural features, in formats to fit any slow traveller's available time and effort level.

Slow Travel Pass


Slow Travel Pass is a collection of complete trip plans for 25+ slow travel trips in Belgium. These trips were hand-crafted by my colleagues Dries and Manon, building on the experience of having planned 600+ custom trips for slow travellers in Belgium (with great reviews!).

Slow Travel Pass takes travellers across Belgium’s varied natural, cultural and architectural features, in formats to fit any slow traveller’s available time and effort level.

My Involvement

I’ve built the web app for Slow Travel Pass in early 2024 using Next.js and Strapi, and have been maintaining it since!


InvolvementSince February 2024
Licensed CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 · 2024 · Contact