Work & Projects

  |  Thor Galle
Welcome To My Garden is a community of slow travellers, where travelling members can stay for free in the gardens of WTMG hosts. WTMG has an intuitive map to find hosts along bicycle or hiking paths (it integrates with [Waymarked Trails](, and a simple chat system to contact hosts.

WTMG is [member-supported]( Aside from being able to send stay requests, members get access to extra tools like uploading `.gpx` files to find gardens along a planned trail, a community space with likeminded travellers, a railway transportation map, and more!

Welcome To My Garden


Welcome To My Garden is a community of slow travellers, where travelling members can stay for free in the gardens of WTMG hosts. WTMG has an intuitive map to find hosts along bicycle or hiking paths (it integrates with Waymarked Trails), and a simple chat system to contact hosts.

WTMG is member-supported. Aside from being able to send stay requests, members get access to extra tools like uploading .gpx files to find gardens along a planned trail, a community space with likeminded travellers, a railway transportation map, and more!

My Involvement

WTMG was conceived by my colleagues Dries and Manon, and initially implemented by a group of volunteers during 2020-2022. In September 2022, I became Slowby’s Chief Technologist to answer the growing need for technical maintenance and feature enhancements.

I’ve since then been responsible for all things tech at WTMG, and other projects we do at Slowby.


InvolvementSince September 2022
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