Work & Projects

  |  Thor Galle
_Women Don't Cycle_ is a 2022 documentary by my colleague and Slowby co-founder [Manon Brulard]( It is a film about what it means to be a woman cycling in different countries around the world.

The documentary was shot during an eleven-month bicycle touring trip from Brussels to Tokio, with Slowby's other co-founder [Dries]( (more about their trip at [Road to the Rising Sun](

Women Don't Cycle (documentary)


Women Don’t Cycle is a 2022 documentary by my colleague and Slowby co-founder Manon Brulard. It is a film about what it means to be a woman cycling in different countries around the world.

The documentary was shot during an eleven-month bicycle touring trip from Brussels to Tokio, with Slowby’s other co-founder Dries (more about their trip at Road to the Rising Sun).

My Involvement

I was not involved in Manon & Dries’ trip or the making of this documentary, but I did build a self-service streaming website to distribute the documentary online!

Dries had originally made a landing page for the documentary in plain HTML, using the Story template from HTML5 Up, to promote it for screening requests.

After 120 exclusive screenings in venues globally, we decided that it was time to share the documentary with the internet at large. For this occasion, I made some adjustments to the website:

  • I kept the same template, but fueled it with the Astro static-site generation engine to simplify HTML templating in three languages.
  • I wrapped it with the Git-based Tina CMS to manage screening information (formerly managed by copy-pasting HTML!).
  • I leveraged Supabase, Stripe and Bunny CDN Stream to create a self-service documentary rental streaming facility with full creative control and minimal overhead in terms of platform costs.
  • To show reviews on the site without our manual intervention, I leveraged a low-code solution. Tally forms input syncs with a Notion database, which in turn feeds into Astro’s server-side build via the Notion API. Paginated reviews are loaded client-side in Astro with a dynamic Svelte island.


InvolvementSince September 2023
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